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this is my page for collecting pride flags that apply to me!! :3 hope you like it!!



this is the mermaid lesbian flag by victoria! it's for "lesbians that love mermaids/ secretly are mermaids! or lesbians that just like luring men to their deaths"! the meanings of the stripes, from top to bottom, are beauty, loving the water, loving music, loving women/nby ppl, luring men to their deaths, peace and happiness!

this is the rose lesbian flag by victoria! it's for "lesbian[s] that only wants to feel feminine for other lesbians" or "lesbian[s] that only feels a connection to womanhood/feminity because they're a lesbian"! the meanings of the stripes, from top to bottom, are hyper femininity, self-expression, all forms of beauty, attration to women and nby ppl, gender euphoria, unique expressions of femininity and soft femininity!

this is the blue rose lesbian flag by victoria! it's for "lesbian[s] that only wants to feel masculinity for other lesbians" or lesbian[s] that only feel connection to masculinity because of their lesbianism"! the meanings of the stripes, from top to bottom, are hyper masculinity, self-expression, all forms of beauty, attration to women and nby ppl, gender euphoria, unique expressions of masculinity and soft masculinity!

this is the purple nonbinary lesbian flag by victoria! it's for "nonbinary lesbians that like purple"!

this is the sillygirl lesbian flag by spencer! it's for "lesbians who are silly girly girls and love to swing their feet and write in their pink fluffy diaries and do a little dance"!

this is the arcana lesbian flag by lesbiflags! it's for "lesbians who like tarot"!

this is the astronomy nerd lesbian flag by lesbiflags! it's for "lesbians who enjoy learning about astronomy"!

this is the shell lesbian flag by sapphic positivity! it's for lesbians who use the shell sapphic label!!

this is the ocean lesbian flag by sapphic positivity! it's for lesbians who use the ocean sapphic label!!

this is the pearl lesbian flag by sapphic positivity! it's for lesbians who use the pearl sapphic label!!


this is the sapphic flag by cayla! it's for wlw/nblw!

this is the shell sapphic flag by sapphic positivity! it's for fem sapphics!

this is the ocean sapphic flag by sapphic positivity! it's for masc sapphics!

this is the pearl sapphic flag by sapphic positivity! it's for sapphics who are fem & masc!